Case Studies
Agriculture & Livestock
Livestock rearing and incubation
Tinytags monitor conditions to help ensure animals are kept in the correct environment, to help with stock wellbeing and reducing disease and losses.
Featured Case Studies
Tinytags monitor fish farm temperatures for antibiotic resistance research
Water temperature is monitored by the Tinytags in the fish farms for use in antibiotics resistance analysis.
More Agriculture & Livestock
Growing/planting/soil conditions
Temperature and humidity loggers monitor climatic patterns to help identify optimum planting areas, and also monitor outdoor and indoor soil/air, planting and growing conditions.
As well as monitoring temperature and humidity during planting and growing, Tinytags accompany produce in transit to ensure that the correct environmental conditions are maintained.
Tinytags help identify optimum growing areas in vineyards: each grape variety has unique requirements for ensuring top quality. Tinytags also provide environmental information to aid disease prevention.
Veterinary/animal health
As well as environmental monitoring to help ensure animal wellbeing, Tinytags are used in veterinary fridges and freezers to ensure medicines are stored at the correct temperatures.
Transport and storage
Tinytags monitor environmental parameters during transportation and storage of produce and feedstuffs, and help ensure that EU and domestic legislation is adhered to for animals in transit.