Case Studies

Museums & Conservation
Display, Storage and Conservation
Tinytags are used in the display, storage and conservation of sensitive items. They can be supplied in unobtrusive colours so as not to detract from exhibits. Probed versions are available for sealed display cases or difficult to reach areas.
Featured Case Studies
Tinytags installed at Fishbourne Roman Palace
Data logging is essential to ensure that items are kept in the correct environmental conditions to help with preventive conservation efforts.
Tinytag temperature and humidity data loggers monitor remarkable museum collection
Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum features the unique Stewarts Collection, consisting of the remarkable cultural and religious exhibits that traveller, adventurer, and collector Major Percy Marlborough Stewart and his wife Katharine brought home from their travels.
Tinytag temperature and RH loggers assist archive conservation | Tinytag
Monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions of archive and library collections is critical to minimise damage to artefacts. Data loggers help provide evidence that these conditions comply with BS 4971:2017 regulations.
Tinytag data loggers monitor temperature and humidity levels for Berkshire Record Office
It is critical for archive environments to maintain adequate environmental levels in areas where historical records are held. An unsuitable environment, including inappropriate temperature and humidity levels, can adversely impact the condition of precious materials, causing issues such as mould growth and accelerating the rate of material deterioration.
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More Museums & Conservation
Temperature and humidity loggers can help ensure that the correct environmental conditions are maintained during the transportation of sensitive items and artefacts.
Building Monitoring
Temperature, humidity and CO2 loggers can be used effectively within public buildings such as museums to help ensure adequate ventilation and climate control levels are maintained.Loggers can also help to identify where steps can be taken to improve energy efficiency.