Case Studies

University Research
Industrial Research
Robust Tinytags are suitable for use in industrial processes including in research facilities.
Featured Case Studies
Electric car project benefits from Tinytag technology
The ability of the data logger to measure small changes in voltage provided valuable information in optimising the usage of the motor.
Tinytag provides essential data for solar car challenge
Trials in Australia of the Team’s entry for the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge included using a Tinytag data logger to provide valuable performance data with regard to temperature fluctuations, to help optimise the vehicle design.
Tinytags used to verify temperatures in steel corrosion testing
Tinytags used with a thermistor probe record data used to verify the temperature of a waterbath, to ensure levels are maintained within a set tolerance for corrosion testing of steels.
Thermocouple Data Logger Used in Lime Production Research
As part of research and development work into lime manufacture, a Tinytag Ultra 2 Thermocouple data logger is being used in the laboratory to accurately record temperature change information.
More University Research
Environmental Research
Tinytags are used for many environmental research applications, ranging from individual loggers recording locally to multiple devices used for large-scale monitoring.
Building Monitoring Research
Tinytags for indoor use have been deployed widely for a variety of research projects monitoring conditions within buildings.