Case Studies
Tinytags monitor temperature controlled food distribution
Bako North Western use data loggers to provide essential monitoring for temperature controlled distribution of food products.
Temperature monitoring is essential to ensure that food is delivered in a safe condition and for maintaining records for accreditation purposes.

BAKO North Western Ltd is a wholesaler and distributor to the artisan baker and associated food sectors including the NHS, local authorities and national brands. The business has a turnover of some £65 million p.a. and is a subsidiary of the BAKO North Western (Group) Ltd., with three additional sites based throughout the UK also using Tinytag products.
The temperature controlled storage and distribution of food is of paramount importance in all sectors of the industry. It is vital to ensure the safe condition of food delivered for consumption at all levels. In order to maintain its accreditations, the company is required to monitor the temperature of the food it processes at all stages.
Jane Clarkson is the Site Quality Manager for BAKO North Western and is using four Tinytag Transit 2 temperature data loggers which are placed within a box of product. The box is then 'picked' as part of a pallet of goods to be delivered, so the logger is then put through the same process as all the products to be delivered to customers on the chosen vehicle. This means the core temperatures of products placed in the temperature controlled compartments of the vehicle can be more closely monitored, which is important because the vehicle's own temperature logger monitors the air temperature only, and not the actual temperature of the goods themselves.
The loggers provide data on an on-going basis, testing all the vehicles in the fleet on a rota system. The data is kept as part of BAKO's quality records and is used to ensure that goods are transported at the correct temperatures. Daily downloads are analysed and any discrepancies used to prompt maintenance on a vehicle, if required, or to assist in the case of a customer query.
The Tinytags were chosen as they are small, robust and reliable. They can be placed within the pallet and left all day, not requiring any further attention from the driver, who is then able to get on with his daily duties. The ease of downloading the data also ensures efficient and prompt analysis is possible.
Jane comments, "BAKO North Western is very satisfied with this product, in that it meets all the requirements of a busy, large scale storage and distribution company. We would recommend Tinytags for their ease of use and reliability, which is why we have rolled out their use to all sites within the BAKO North Western Group."
The Transit 2 data logger is an ideal solution for this application. Its lightweight and compact design means it can be placed unobtrusively with temperature sensitive consignments. Bako North Western uses the Transit 2 loggers with the inductive pad offload connection which plugs into a PC via a USB cable, facilitating the offloading of multiple loggers without the need to directly connect a cable to the logger.
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Benefits of Tinytag Radio Loggers
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Temperature data logger >
Monitor temperature during transportation with a Tinytag Transit 2 data logger.
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