Case Studies
Power usage and temperature monitoring at Bedford Hospital
Bedford Hospital is using the Tinytag Energy Logger for regular electrical consumption monitoring, and temperature data loggers for monitoring medical fridges.
The hospital uses the Tinytag Energy Data Logger to record electrical consumption, which can help identify energy saving measures. Tinytag Temperature data loggers are used for temperature control in medical and vaccine fridges.
Bedford Hospital is a local acute trust which also provides a number of outpatient services on site, including a branch of Moorfield's Eye Hospital serving Bedford and the surrounding area.
The Hospital also hosts a large base for GSTS Pathology, which provides services to a number of hospitals across the East of England including Bedford. For a site of this size and scope, accurate monitoring of power usage and energy efficiency is of ongoing importance.
Brian Randall, Engineering Officer, Estates - Engineering Projects and Maintenance - is responsible for undertaking regular electrical monitoring. He has been using the Tinytag Energy Logger as a key tool in this process. The aim is to ensure that the infrastructure operates within its limits, whilst the site energy profile increases over time due to the increasing use of technology.
Typically, the Energy Logger is employed for electrical monitoring on mains intakes or sub-mains, usually for a period of a few days. One of the most common examples is when upgrades are planned or new power using equipment is being installed. The data obtained from the Energy Logger is used to confirm if upgrades to infrastructure are needed or if energy saving measures are to be deployed and verified.
The hospital also uses Tinytag View 2 TV-4050 temperature data loggers in various indoor locations to help ensure that rooms and equipment are kept within controlled parameters. As well as this permanent deployment, temperature loggers are also used on a temporary basis as a secondary confirmation of the effectiveness of existing monitoring, including monitoring the sensitive contents of medical refrigerators such as blood, vaccines or specimens. Temperature data is used to confirm if equipment requires a service/repair or replacement, and longer term data may also form part of audit information to show continuing compliance.
Brian said: "The Tinytag Energy Logger is easy to set up and use, and good value for money compared with similar products on the market. The unit is compact and can be easily placed inside a cabinet without worry of disturbance. Gemini's temperature loggers are also easy to set up and convenient to use, either on a temporary basis for verification purposes or for longer term general monitoring."
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Energy LoggerMeasure power usage to identify areas of significant energy consumption with the Tinytag Energy Logger.
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Temp/RH Data LoggerMonitor indoor environmental conditions with a Tinytag temperature and relative humidity data logger.
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