Case Studies
Assessing HVAC system performance in swimming pool and spa areas
Tinytag temperature and humidity data loggers are being used to monitor the performance of indoor pool HVAC systems, to help resolve corrosion issues of stainless steel components.
Temperature and humidity fluctuations are being monitored to help assess the performance of indoor swimming pool ventilation systems. These recording devices help verify if the ventilation and dehumidification system is operating correctly.
QED Engineering provides building services engineering design (HVAC) for a wide range of industry sectors, including the leisure industry. QED have been using Tinytag Plus 2 temperature and humidity loggers in order to help resolve an issue with excessive corrosion of stainless steel elements within a leisure club environment.
For this particular project, the object of monitoring the temperature and humidity was to try and resolve an issue with excessive corrosion of stainless steel elements within the leisure club environment. It was important to establish the fluctuation of temperature and humidity throughout a 24 hour period to check if the ventilation plant was designed correctly and was operating within the required parameters
Four Tinytag temperature/RH loggers were located in the supply air system, the return air system, the pool area at high level, and to measure the external ambient conditions. The recorded data was used to establish if the pool ventilation and dehumidification systems had been designed and installed correctly, and if they were operating within their design parameters. If this was not the case, remedial works could be carried out, such as upgrading plant or equipment.
Dominic Anderson, Director at QED comments, "Tinytags offer robust, simple solutions with an easy to use software interface that makes subsequent report writing quick and simple. In short, they offer precision and reliability which our clients have come to rely upon."
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Warmworks Scotland uses Tinytags to deliver warmer homes Scotland Scheme
Warmworks Scotland is a joint venture between the Energy Saving Trust, Everwarm and Changeworks and has been formed to deliver the Scottish Government’s flagship national energy efficiency scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland.
Using Tinytags for energy efficiency monitoring
Tinytag Transit 2 data loggers help ensure heat comfort levels are maintained and help verify operation of boiler plant and controls. The Tinytag Energy Logger is used to monitor electrical consumption before and after energy saving measures are introduced.
Tinytags used to assess performance of building controls and equipment
Accurate monitoring of temperature, relative humidity and other parameters with Tinytag data loggers provides information which helps a building services contractor monitor conditions, make recommendations, and assess equipment performance.
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Data LoggersMonitor temperature, relative humidity, power usage, CO2, voltage, current and count with Tinytag Data Loggers.
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Temp/RH Data LoggerMonitor indoor environmental conditions with a Tinytag temperature and relative humidity data logger.
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