Case Studies
Tinytags monitor cooling of chickens in processing facility
Tinytags provide temperature monitoring of the chicken production process to ensure products are cooled as quickly as possible.
Data loggers record temperatures throughout the cooling stages in a chiller, freezer and chilled storage areas and help ensure that temperature control procedures are correctly maintained.

T. Soanes & Son has been rearing poultry products on their own farms in the Yorkshire Wolds for over 65 years. They are one of Yorkshire's premier poultry suppliers, and have been using Tinytag data loggers to monitor the cooling curve of chickens after slaughter and evisceration to ensure the product is cooled as quickly as practically possible.
Tinytag Plus 2 temperature loggers are deployed in a number of locations including an air chiller, blast freezers and chilled storage areas to compare temperatures at different points and to provide freezing curve data. Recorded data is used to verify that temperature control procedures are being adhered to - if they are found to be out of specification, actions are implemented to change storage conditions of the finished product and to adjust air chiller controls.
Andrew Dolman, Technical Manager at T. Soanes & Son joined the company when Tinytags had already been in use for some time, and found they fulfilled their purpose well. Andrew comments, "Using Tinytag data loggers is a simple and effective way of monitoring temperatures in hard to reach areas or in situations where long term monitoring is required. Without the Tinytags we would not be able to effectively determine cooling curves for chickens in the air chiller or for finished product in the blast freezer."
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Tinytags used to validate meat cooking temperatures
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