Case Studies
Tinytag CO2 data loggers monitor air quality and energy efficiency
Carbon dioxide data loggers have been used to help determine air quality and help assess the performance of building ventilation systems.
Monitoring CO2 levels in houses and other buildings provided data which formed part of an evaluation of overall energy system performance and energy efficiency.

Researchers at Oxford Brookes University used CO2 loggers in building performance evaluation and monitoring studies for domestic and non-domestic, new build and refurbishment projects. In a research project funded by the government and other bodies, the CO2 loggers have been used as a means of determining air quality in deep whole house retrofit projects.
Tinytag Carbon Dioxide data loggers are an accurate solution for monitoring CO2 levels in a wide range of buildings. Two of the discreet units are positioned in the living room and bedroom. The information recorded by the loggers is included with other environmental data, and the results are assessed to determine whether the overall energy system is working as intended.
For example, if the loggers show that CO2 levels are too high, it is an indication of poor air quality resulting from either poor maintenance or operation of mechanical ventilation systems. This type of result helps to detect problems in air quality and determine actual in-situ energy efficiency.
Rohini Cherian, Associate Researcher at the University commented, "We chose the Tinytags as they were one of the few solutions available that allows us to record CO2 levels over a period of time for later analysis. Their high memory capacity is an added advantage. It was also useful to have independent, non-intrusive CO2 loggers that were not tied to a wider system. The Tinytag Explorer software makes it very easy for us to interpret results."
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The carbon dioxide detectors are used by a leading environmental monitoring company to record CO2 levels in workplaces and classrooms, and to help assess the performance of ventilation systems.
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CO2 Data Loggers >
Monitor carbon dioxide levels with the Tinytag CO2 data loggers.
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