All Case Studies
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Rugged, outdoor Tinytag data loggers provide temperature data for weather observation
Two Tinytag Plus 2 (TGP-4020) data loggers and one Tinytag Ultra 2 (TGU-4020) are used in Trevor Goodall’s weather observation station. The data contributes to Trevor’s personal weather record, as well as being sent to other weather observers and the local community.
Tinytag data loggers monitor wastewater samples for South West Water | Tinytag Case Study
About 95% of the water that South West Water supplies to Devon, Cornwall and small areas of Dorset and Somerset comes back to them for treatment and disposal (South West Water: Code of Practice on our Wastewater Service). Once wastewater has been treated, it can be released back into the environment, providing it has been treated to safe and acceptable levels.
Manufacturer of metal powders uses high-temperature data loggers for process control
When your products are used across industries as diverse and critical as the rail, automotive, electrical, construction and medical industries, it is essential that your standards for quality are uncompromising. Makin Metal Powders use reliable Tinytag data loggers to maintain their commitment to delivering the highest quality metal powders to their customers across the globe.
Historic England uses Tinytags in building research
Tinytag Instrumentation data loggers were used with solarimeter sensors, while Plus 2 loggers were used to measure outdoor temperatures.
Splash 2 Tinytags help verify temperatures in an industrial laundry
Splash 2 data loggers are used to monitor washers and extractors to ensure specified temperatures are reached, and to meet customer quality standards.
Tinytags monitor cave temperatures as part of climate change research
A total of six Tinytag Plus 2 data loggers were used in a study whose final aim is to reconstruct past climate changes recorded by stalagmites from these caves.
Tinytag data loggers monitor extremes of temperature in Switzerland
Robust outdoor data loggers monitor air temperatures in geological depressions to pinpoint areas of extreme cold.
Tinytag provides essential data for solar car challenge
Trials in Australia of the Team’s entry for the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge included using a Tinytag data logger to provide valuable performance data with regard to temperature fluctuations, to help optimise the vehicle design.
Tinytag Radio data loggers monitor engine manufacturing plants
Using data loggers for temperature and humidity control in the manufacturing plants helps maintain and verify quality standards for engine production.
Tinytag data logger monitors temperature during cheese production
Conditions are monitored by the Tinytag View 2 data logger during the production of organic cheese, and record pasteurisation temperatures in line with food safety regulations.
Tinytags used to validate meat cooking temperatures
Recorded data helps ensure meat products are cooked to pasteurisation and CCP requirements.
Tinytag data logger records temperatures on greenland crossing
The Tinytag Plus 2 data logger monitored temperature during the month long 580km unsupported expedition and during a training week in extreme conditions in northern Norway.
Monitoring the temperature of shorebirds’ nests in the Arctic
Recording nest temperature provides data used to help understand the breeding strategies and outcomes of shorebirds in the Arctic.
Tinytags monitor properties of sociable weavers’ nests
Data loggers with accompanying probes monitor the large communal nests to help quantify their thermoregulatory properties.
Tinytags used for temperature logging on trial cone crusher
The temperature of the cone crusher’s internal bearings is monitored with a rugged data logger used with two external probes.
Tinytags used to record data for weather observation
Robust outdoor data loggers are used in amateur weather observation to record environmental conditions, and are also used to verify readings from other recording equipment.
Tinytags monitor cooling of chickens in processing facility
Data loggers record temperatures throughout the cooling stages in a chiller, freezer and chilled storage areas and help ensure that temperature control procedures are correctly maintained.
Tinytags used to verify temperatures in steel corrosion testing
Tinytags used with a thermistor probe record data used to verify the temperature of a waterbath, to ensure levels are maintained within a set tolerance for corrosion testing of steels.
Tinytags case studies | sensitive materials temperature monitoring
Fridge and freezer temperature monitoring is essential to ensure that these areas are within temperature control specifications. The data loggers are set up to show an alarm when the specifications for the stored equipment are breached.
Using Tinytags to monitor bat roosts
The objective of the temperature monitoring in a colony of Natterer’s bats is to discover more about the conditions found in natural habitats, with a view to providing suitable artificial units.
Tinytags – logging on the roof of the world
Robustness and durability are essential for Tinytag data loggers left to monitor glacial temperature and help evaluate glacier contributions to stream flow in the world’s highest mountain region, the Himalayas.
Radio data logging system provides critical monitoring for medical products manufacturer
Tinytag radio data loggers monitor the temperature in climate controlled storage areas, as well as providing environmental monitoring in a server room to prevent overheating.
Thermocouple Data Logger Used in Lime Production Research
As part of research and development work into lime manufacture, a Tinytag Ultra 2 Thermocouple data logger is being used in the laboratory to accurately record temperature change information.